Tuesday 17 June 2008

Exchange support coming to iCal next year

Finally some good news. It is official now, iCal will support Microsoft Exchange calendars in the next version of Mac OS X which is expected to be released in 2009.
The official Apple press release can be found at http://www.apple.com/pr/library/2008/06/09snowleopard.html and it states:
For the first time, OS X includes native support for Microsoft Exchange 2007 in OS X applications Mail, iCal® and Address Book, making it even easier to integrate Macs into organizations of any size.

The only problem is that we have to wait for at least another year.

1 comment:

Norma said...

Using exchange email definitely has its benefits. We have intermedia’s hosted server and it really makes it easy to stay in touch when you aren’t in the office. I’m always checking in with the office on my phone.